Achievements 2001-2010

To date, every year since its inception, BWC has achieved some thing! To see ALL our Achievements please click here.

With specific goals in mind Beauty Without Cruelty has sincerely carried out its work, however kept a low profile. Most tasks undertaken have been difficult, often seemed impossible to achieve, but frustration has never made the organization give up even when implementation was stalled. Sticking to the facts, a persistent follow-up and constantly looking for new ways to achieve its aims has led BWC to success in many instances.

Our Achievements between 2000 and 2010 are:





Again in 2014, about 50% buffaloes, goats and chickens from India that were scheduled to be killed were saved.
Nevertheless in July 2015, it was a victory for animal rights activists when under pressure of a Supreme Court of Nepal injunction won on 24 November 2014 by the Nepal Animal Welfare & Research Center, the Secretary of the Gadhimai Temple Trust declared “We have decided to completely stop the practice of animal sacrifice.”





A Animal H Horse  O Ox  V Vulture
B Bird  I Insect  P Parrot  W Whale
C Cow J Jaguar Q Queen bee X X-Ray fish
D Dog  K Kangaroo   R Rabbit  Y Yak
E Elephant L Lion   S Sheep Z Zebra
F Fox  M Monkey  T Tiger    
G Goat N Nightingale U Unicorn